RSE on REM "Republican blood center" of the
Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Department of recruitment of donors

Zhamashova Svetlana Karamanovna

Head of the Department of Blood harvesting and culling

Transfusiologist of the highest qualification category.

In 1990, she entered the Karaganda State Medical Institute, from which she graduated in 1996.

In 1996, she got a job as a therapist at the Kazalinsky district hospital.

In 1998, she worked as a junior researcher at the scientific center "Hygiene and Epidimology".

From 2009 to 2013, she worked at the City Blood Center as a transfusiologist.

Since 2013, he has been working at the Republican Blood Center.

In 2017, the certificate "for fruitful work in the field of healthcare and contribution to the development of the country's healthcare system"was awarded to the day of the medical worker.

In 2020, the award "Excellent healthcare worker" was awarded.

In 2021, she received "Algys Khat" from the «Nur Otan» party.

The main tasks of the OKD:

  • Recruitment of donors of blood, plasma, blood cells and their registration, keeping a file.
  • Organization of field events at enterprises.
  • Formation and approval of the composition of the field team for field actions.
  • Maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of OKD.
  • Formation of an electronic database on persons not subject to donation.
  • Selection of donors with rare blood groups and their registration.
  • Selection of donors for apheresis donations.
  • Medical examination of donors.
  • Regulation of the flow of donors for obtaining blood and its components in order to shorten the time of their stay in the blood center.
  • Timely provision of medical organizations upon request.
  • Carrying out, together with the Red Crescent Society, work on agitation and promotion of donation among the population using radio, television, print, etc.
  • Interaction with contiguous MOs by donor, with positive test results for the GTI.
  • In its work, OKD is guided by the current regulatory and legal documents.

OKD Functions:

  • selection of donors (rare groups, plasma donors), their registration, examination
  • HLA donor selection
  • removal of donors from the register and withdrawal of them from giving blood and its components for contraindications
  • monitoring donor compliance with donation intervals
  • maintaining medical records, accounting and reporting on approved forms on time
  • maintaining a card index and archive for all donors in accordance with the established requirements
  • obtaining information about persons registered in the KVD, AIDS centers, tuberculosis dispensary, neuropsychiatric dispensary, entering them into the database
  • registration of persons wishing to be tested for transfusion infections
  • carrying out joint work with the Red Crescent Society on the issues of agitation and promotion of donation among the population
  • timely provision of medical organizations upon request.