RSE on REM "Republican blood center" of the
Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Price list for paid services

  Price list for paid services for 2024
Name of the service Unit of measurement Price (tenge)
Blood components and preparations
1 Erythrocyte mass leucofiltered dose 49 843
2 Erythrocyte suspension leucofiltered dose 52 674
3 Erythrocytes washed leucofiltered dose 56 721
4 Cryopreserved restored erythrocytes dose 282 952
5 Freshly frozen plasma leucofiltered virusinactivated dose 77 229
6 Freshly frozen plasma apheresis virusinactivated dose 88 547
7 Freshly frozen apheresis plasma quarantined  dose 66 049
8 Pooled fresh frozen plasma, polydonor leukofiltered, virus inactivated dose 98 792
9 Pooled fresh frozen plasma, polydonor apheresis, leukofiltered, virus-inacted dose 95 171
10 Cryoprecipitate dose 77 792
11 Apheresis virus-activated platelets 200*10⁹ dose 177 363
12 Apheresis virus-activated platelets 100*10⁹ dose 88 711
13 Standard canned diagnostic erythrocytes (2 ml) bottle 406
14 Gelatin solution bottle 460
HLA Research
1 Setting up a "cross match" compatibility test by serological method service 40 641
2 Genotyping of blood by HLA-system by SSP antigens class I and II, loci A, B, DRB1, low resolution service 90 307
3 Genotyping of blood according to the HLA system by SSP antigens class I and II, loci A, B, DRB1, DQ low resolution service 176 873
4 Individual selection of blood components (platelets) based on lymph. test "cross match" service 45 647
5 Determination of the presence of HLA antibodies by flow fluorometry service 39 774
Laboratory services
1 Blood sampling service 803
2 Determination of blood type (ABO system) and Rh-affiliation (Rh system) by manual method research 2053
3 Determination of blood type (ABO system) and Rh-affiliation (Rh system) on an automatic analyzer by gel method research 4 809
4 General blood test research 1613
5 Screening of anti-erythrocyte antibodies research 4 094
6 Identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies research 12 118
7 Determination of the titer of anti-erythrocyte antibodies research 8 989
8 Determination of the phenotype of erythrocytes by Rh and Kell systems research 5 229
9 Determination of blood group (using the gel card of newborns) for HDN research 4 893
10 Screening of alloantibodies according to the ABO system research 7 443
11 Determination of the titer of natural antibodies of the ABO system research 11 499
12 A compatibility test between a donor and a recipient in an indirect Coombs test service 2 771
13 Individual selection of donor red blood cells research 36 105
14 Laboratory diagnostics of hemolytic disease of newborns (HDN) research 45 602
15 Direct Coombs test by gel method research 3 180
16 Blood testing for HIV-1,2 (antigen/antibodies) by immunochemiluminescence analysis research 4 362
17 Blood testing for viral hepatitis B (HBsAg) by immunochemiluminescence analysis research 3 314
18 Determination of a-HBcor (viral hepatitis B) by the ICL method   3 314
19 Blood testing for viral hepatitis C (total antibodies) by immunochemiluminescence analysis research 6 551
20 Confirmatory test for HBsAg (viral hepatitis B) by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) research 4 880
21 Confirmatory test for HCV (viral hepatitis C) by enzyme immunoassay research 5 000
22 Blood testing for syphilis (total antibodies) by immunochemiluminescence analysis research 4 769
23 Blood testing for antibodies to syphilis in the passive hemagglutination reaction research 2 412
24 Molecular genetic blood testing for HIV-1,2, viral hepatitis B,C by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (qualitative test) research 27 093
25 Comprehensive blood testing for HIV-1,2, hepatitis B and C, syphilis by immunochemiluminescence analysis and HIV-1,2, hepatitis B and C by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (qualitative test) research 24 495
1 Therapeutic plasmapheresis by manual intermittent method procedure 22 642
2 Therapeutic hardware plasmapheresis procedure 38 563
3 Blood exfusion procedure 10 612
4 Measurement of hemoglobin in banked whole blood and erythrocyte-containing blood components. research 8 543
5 Measurement of hematocrit in banked whole blood and in erythrocyte-containing blood components. research 8 543
6 Исследования содержания VIII фактора в свежезамороженной плазме, в криопреципитате research 28 812
7 Studies of fibrinogen content in fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate research 35 514
8 Determination of hemolysis in erythrocyte-containing blood components at the end of the storage period research 8 813
9 Sterilization of bixes bix 2 318
10 Рurified water liter 149