Anti-corruption Compliance-service
Chapter 1. General provisions
- The anti - corruption policy of the RSE on PCV "Republican blood center" of the Ministry of Health (hereinafter referred to as the policy) was developed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on combating corruption" dated 18.11.2015 No. 410-V (hereinafter referred to as the law), the Order of the chairman of the agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and anti - corruption dated October 19, 2016 No. 12. "On approval of standard rules for conducting internal analysis of corruption risks" and internal regulatory documents of the RSE on PCV "Republican blood center" of the Ministry of Health (hereinafter referred to as the RKO).
- The purpose of combating corporate fraud and corruption is to eliminate the causes and conditions that cause fraud and corruption in the activities of the RKO.
Achieving the anti-corruption goal is achieved by solving the following tasks::
1) creation and implementation of mechanisms for the implementation of basic anti-corruption principles;с
2) ensuring that the RKO and its employees comply with the requirements of the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the applicable norms of foreign and international law.
3) the provisions of this policy apply to all employees of the RKO.
4) the provisions of this policy may apply to other legal entities and individuals entering into contractual relations with the Russian Federation, while such requirements must be enshrined in contracts concluded with the Russian Federation.
The following terms and definitions are used in the policy:
1) corruption offense-an illegal, culpable act (act or omission) with signs of corruption, for which administrative or criminal liability is established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) corruption-illegal use by an employee of an organization of their official (official) powers and related opportunities for the purpose of obtaining or obtaining property (non-property) benefits and benefits to themselves or third parties personally or through intermediaries, as well as bribery of these persons by transferring benefits and benefits;
3) fraud and corruption risk-the possibility of occurrence of causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of fraudulent actions and corruption offenses;
4) anti - corruption-activities of employees of the RKO within the limits of their powers to prevent fraud and corruption, including the formation of an anti-corruption culture in society, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of fraudulent actions and corruption offenses, as well as to identify, suppress, disclose and investigate fraudulent actions and corruption offenses and eliminate their consequences;
5) Conflict of interest - a conflict between the personal interests of employees of the RKO and their official powers, while the personal interests of these persons may lead to their improper performance of their official powers;
6) official-persons performing organizational, administrative or administrative and economic functions in the RKO on a permanent, temporary or special authority;
7) employee-an individual who is in an employment relationship with the RKO and directly performs work under an employment contract, as well as persons performing work in the RKO in accordance with civil law contracts;
8) authorized anti-corruption body-the central executive body in the field of Public Service and anti-corruption, and its departments, territorial divisions, which, within the limits of their powers, perform functions related to the implementation of anti-corruption policy and coordination in the field of anti-corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
9) compliance officer, employee who is in an employment relationship with the RKO and is responsible for the organization and functioning of the Anti-Corruption System;
10) counterparty - legal entities and individuals participating in state and own programs conducted by the fund, a supplier of goods, works or services, a candidate for employment and other persons interested in the RKO;
11) third party - legal entities and individuals who do not have business and other relations with the fund.
Chapter 2. Basic principles of combating corruption
- anti-corruption measures are carried out on the basis of principles:
1) legality;
2) priority of protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and citizen;
3) transparency and transparency;
4) interaction between the state and civil society;
5) systematic and comprehensive use of anti-corruption measures;
6) priority application of anti-corruption measures;
7) promotion of persons providing assistance in combating corruption;
8) inevitability of punishment for committing corruption offenses.
Chapter 3. Goals and objectives of combating corruption
the purpose of anti-corruption measures is to eliminate corruption in society.
< li>achieving the anti-corruption goal is achieved by solving the following tasks ::
1) creating an atmosphere of intolerance to corruption in society;
2) identification of the conditions and causes that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses and elimination of their consequences;
3) strengthening the interaction of anti-corruption entities;
4) development of international anti-corruption cooperation; 5) detection, suppression, disclosure and investigation of corruption offenses.Chapter 4. The main factors influencing the occurrence of corruption in the RKO are:
1) inefficient organizational structure and personnel policy;
2) low corporate culture among RKO employees;
3) poor-quality regulatory framework and non-compliance of internal documents with the applicable legal norms and the code of business ethics of the Russian Federation;
4) employee motivation based on achieving key indicators in accordance with the RKO development plan;
5) transparency of services, public procurement processes and sales of manufactured products;
6) inefficiency of the internal control system;
7) insufficient resource availability of compliance control functions and information security services.
Chapter 5. Anti-Corruption Risk Management
- Anti-Corruption Risk Management consists of the following steps : :
- monitoring of corruption risks;
- identification of corruption risks;
- analysis and assessment of corruption risks;
- development of measures to eliminate corruption risks in order to reduce the probability of risk occurrence and its consequences;
- analysis of Appeals of employees and counterparties of the RKO in terms of identifying corruption in the RKO;
- analysis of mass media, applications on the website of the Russian Federation and so on.
Chapter 6. Corruption offenses for which criminal liability is provided:
- appropriation or embezzlement of entrusted property, i.e. embezzlement;
- fraud, i.e. theft of other people's property or acquisition of rights to other people's property by deception or abuse of trust;
-performing actions to write an invoice without actually performing work, providing services, or shipping goods;
- legalization of money and (or) other property obtained by criminal means;
- illegal acquisition of ownership rights to a stake in a legal entity;
- abuse by an official of official powers contrary to the interests of the service in order to obtain benefits and benefits for himself or other persons or organizations, or to cause harm to other persons or organizations, if this leads to significant damage to the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or organizations, or to the legally protected interests of society or the state;
-abuse of power or official powers, i.e. the commission by an official of actions that clearly exceed the limits of his rights and powers and entail significant damage to the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or organizations, or to the legally protected interests of society or the state;
- illegal participation in business activities;