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Separation of harvesting and culling of blood components

Dilmanov Nurbulat Darkhanovich
Head of the Donor Recruitment Department
From 2010 to 2015: Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov - specialty "General Medicine", awarded the academic degree "Bachelor of Medicine";
From 2015 to 2017: Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov - specialty "General Medicine", awarded the qualification of a general practitioner;
From 2017 to 2020: Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education - specialty "Medical and preventive care", awarded the degree of "Master of Medical Sciences";
In 2018: Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education - specialty "Transfusiology", qualified as a transfusiologist.
From 2017 to the present, he has been working in the RSE at the Republican Blood Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- general practitioner of the donor recruitment department;
- transfusiologist of the donor recruitment department;
- transfusiologist of the donor recruitment department;
- head of the Department of Mobilization work and Protection of state Secrets;
- transfusiologist of the department of harvesting and culling of blood components;
- head of the department of harvesting and culling of blood components.
From 2019 to the present: JSC Medical Center "HAK" transfusiologist
Completed advanced training courses:
- 2017, Almaty: participation in the conference on "Patient's blood management";
- April 4-6, 2018, Astana: participation in the III Eurasian Congress of Transfusiologists "Topical issues of the development of gratuitous blood donation" April 24, 2019, Almaty: participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and young scientists "Apsatar readings: "The Future of Medicine. Challenges and solutions";
- September 13-14, 2019, Taraz: participation in the Republican conference with International participation "Topical issues of transfusion medicine";
- October 26-27, 2021, Nur-Sultan: participation in a scientific and practical seminar with international participation "Topical issues of procurement and application of blood components".
OZiVKK consists of:
- Room for blood donation and plasmapheresis;
- Primary fractionation unit;
- Unit for the production of blood components and cryopreservation;
- Virus inactivation block;
- Unit of therapeutic plasmapheresis;
- Cull block;
- Inventory room;
- Warehouse for storing medicines and consumables;
- Resident's room for doctors;
- Head nurse's office;
- Staff wardrobe;
Main tasks of OZiVKK:
- Procurement of canned donor blood in a blood center and in field conditions;
- Processing of canned donor blood and obtaining its components (erythrocyte suspension (erythrocyte suspension leukofiltered), erythrocyte mass (erythrocyte mass leukofiltered), FFP, (FFP leukofiltered, FFP pooled fresh frozen virus-filtered polydonated) blood;
- Preparation of blood plasma by apheresis method (FFP apheresis, FFP apheresis virus inactivated);
- Procurement of platelet concentrate by apheresis method;
- Preparation of cryoprecipitate, virus-inactivated platelet concentrate for clinical use;
- Transfer of blood and blood products after culling and certification with documentation to the appropriate departments of the center;
- Carrying out campaign work and promoting donation.
The main tasks of the OZiVKK:
- Procurement of canned donor blood in a blood center and in field conditions;
- Processing of canned donor blood and obtaining its components (erythrocyte suspension (erythrocyte suspension leukofiltered), erythrocyte mass (erythrocyte mass leukofiltered), FFP, (FFP leukofiltered, FFP pooled fresh frozen virus-filtered polydonated) blood;
- Preparation of blood plasma by apheresis method (FFP apheresis, FFP apheresis virus inactivated);
- Procurement of platelet concentrate by apheresis method;
- Preparation of cryoprecipitate, virus-inactivated platelet concentrate for clinical use;
- Transfer of blood and blood products after culling and certification with documentation to the appropriate departments of the center;
- Carrying out campaign work and promoting donation.
The main tasks of OZiVKK:
Blood Collection Room:
- Procurement of canned donor blood in the center from gratuitous donors;
- primary blood certification;
- storage of harvested blood in appropriate conditions;
- transfer of blood for centrifugation and subsequent fractionation;
- collection of blood from non-repayable donors in the field;
- blood delivery to the RCC, its transfer to the primary fractionation unit;
- fractionation of canned blood harvested in field conditions into components;
- completing the relevant accounting documentation;
- summing up the results for the day, week, month, year;
- preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual reports.
Plasmapheresis room:
- preparation of plasma from donors by the method of hardware plasmapheresis;
- preparation of plasma - fresh frozen, pooled, apheresis, virus-inactivated, preparation of platelet concentrate;
- plasma certification;
- delivery of plasma to the departments of quarantine of blood components, distribution of products, assembly unit and filling in the relevant accounting documentation;
- summing up the results of the day, week, month;
- preparation of monthly, quarterly annual reports.
Blood component production unit:
- obtaining canned blood for fractionation into components and raw materials from the whole blood collection hall and field teams;
- receiving and fulfilling orders for blood components from the expedition;
- preparation of blood components: erythrocyte suspension (erythrocyte suspension leukofiltered), erythrocyte mass (erythrocyte mass leukofiltered), FFP, (FFP leukofiltered, FFP pooled fresh frozen polydonor leukofiltered, erythrocytes
- daily control of products, transfer of samples to the bacteriological laboratory;
- obtaining plasma from the plasmapheresis room for the preparation of cryoprecipitate;
- preparation of frozen and dry precipitate in boxing conditions;
- delivery of finished products to the product distribution department and to the warehouse;
- filling in the relevant accounting and reporting documentation;
- summarizing each day, week, month and year;
- preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Virus activation block:
- Inactivation of pathogens of platelet concentrate apheresis;
- Pothogen inactivation fresh frozen plasma apheresis.
Block for culling blood and its components:
- reception of blood components from the blood collection department and temporary storage of blood components until the final laboratory test result is obtained;
- control over the correct design of blood containers, availability of laboratory test data, donor identification data in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
- the implementation of the culling of blood components through etiquette. Delivery of erythrocytes to the blood collection department for their leukofiltration and cryopreservation;
- delivery of donor blood and its components suitable for transfusion to the product distribution department;
- freezing plasma in a plasma freezer, by freezing it during the first 18 hours after blood donation;
- transfer of fresh frozen plasma for fractionation to the department of production of blood products;
- ensuring the storage of frozen plasma at a temperature not exceeding -25 ° for 4 months;
- arrangement of blood components on the shelves in accordance with blood groups and rhesus accessories;
- registration and control of the storage regime of fresh frozen plasma in quarantine;
- maintaining accounting and reporting documentation in accordance with the approved forms, in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on paper and electronic media.
The manager and employees of blood collection and its components, while performing their functions, have the right:
- to request and receive from the heads of structural divisions the information necessary to perform the assigned tasks and functions.
- to request, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the performance of the functions of the branch.
- make suggestions for improving the qualifications of specialists in the profile of their activities, encouraging department employees and imposing a penalty.
- inform the immediate supervisor of all identified blood samples and blood components